Spillovers and conflict in wage bargaining: Experimental evidence

Alex Lehr, Jana Vyrastekova, Agnes Akkerman, René Torenvlied

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We investigate how information spillovers from other negotiations affect conflict in bargaining. Two theoretical mechanisms are studied: (1) social comparisons, which are hypothesized to increase conflict due to self-serving biases, and (2) rational learning, which is hypothesized to decrease conflict by reducing information asymmetries. Our experimental design allows for an interactive bargaining process and offers full control over the information available to negotiators. Consistent with studies of one-shot games, we find that spillovers resulting from social comparisons increase conflict; however, the bargaining process mitigates this effect. In bargaining situations in which spillovers also allow for rational learning, the conflict-increasing effects of spillovers are prevented
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)59-68
JournalJournal of behavioral and experimental economics
Publication statusPublished - 2016


  • 2023 OA procedure


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