Spin-Hall magnetoresistance in multidomain helical spiral systems

A. Aqeel, M. Mostovoy, B. J. van Wees, T. T. M. Palstra

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9 Citations (Scopus)


We study the spin-Hall magnetoresistance (SMR) in multidomain helical spiral magnet Cu2OSeO3| Pt heterostructures. We compare the SMR response of Cu2OSeO3 at 5 K, when the magnetic domains are almost frozen, to that at elevated temperatures, when domain walls move easily. At 5 K the SMR amplitude vanishes at low applied magnetic fields, while at 50 K it does not. This phenomenon can be explained by the effect of the magnetic field on the domain structure of Cu2OSeO3. At elevated temperatures the system can reach the thermodynamic equilibrium state, in which a single domain that has a minimal energy for a given field direction occupies the whole sample and gives rise to a nonzero SMR signal. In contrast at 5 K, the three types of domains with mutually orthogonal spiral wave vectors have equal volumes independent of the field direction, which leads to the cancellation of the SMR signal at low fields. In the single-domain conical spiral and collinear ferrimagnetic states, the angular and field dependence of the SMR is found to be same at all temperatures (T
Original languageEnglish
Article number174006
JournalJournal of physics D: applied physics
Issue number17
Publication statusPublished - 4 May 2017
Externally publishedYes


  • spin currents
  • spin-Hall effect
  • magnetoresistance
  • n/a OA procedure


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