Startups vs. well-established companies. What factors influence suppliers' choices for an attractive customer?

Juliano Afonso Tessaro, Rainer Harms, Holger Schiele

Research output: Contribution to conferenceAbstractAcademic

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Startups compete against well-established companies for supplier resources. In this competition, startups suffer from the liability of newness, lacking track record and reputation. When startups want to mobilize supplier resources, they need to become attractive. This research analyzes the factors impacting startup attractiveness as buyers. Our findings from a discrete choice experiment with salespeople show that startups are less attractive as customers than well-established companies. We found eight factors that impact customer attractiveness. We compared the relative importance of customer attractiveness factors and found that strategic compatibility, operative excellence, and innovation have a greater positive impact on startups than on well-established companies.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages56
Publication statusPublished - 5 Apr 2023
EventIPSERA 2023: Systemic Change - EADA, Barcelona, Spain
Duration: 2 Apr 20235 Apr 2023


ConferenceIPSERA 2023
Internet address


  • startups, customer attractiveness, the liability of newness, Discrete Choice Experiment (DCE)


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