Strongly Accelerated and Humidity-Independent Drying of Nanochannels Induced by Sharp Corners

Jan C.T. Eijkel, B. Dan, H.W. Reemeijer, D.C. Hermes, Johan G. Bomer, Albert van den Berg

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticleAcademicpeer-review

    60 Citations (Scopus)
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    Measurements are shown indicating that the drying rate of nanochannels can be enhanced by up to 3 orders of magnitude relative to drying by vapor diffusion, and that the drying rate is independent of the relative humidity of the environment up to a relative humidity of more than 90%. Micromachined Pyrex glass nanochannels of 72 nm height and with sharp corners (corner angles 7 degrees) were used. Available theory shows that the sharp corners function as a low-resistance pathway for liquid water, siphoning (wicking) the water to a location close to the channel exit before it evaporates. The described phenomena are of importance for the understanding of drying processes in industry and agriculture. The introduction of sharp corners or grooves can furthermore be beneficial for the functioning of microheat pipes and capillary-pumped loops.
    Original languageUndefined
    Pages (from-to)256107
    Number of pages4
    JournalPhysical review letters
    Issue number25
    Publication statusPublished - 16 Dec 2005


    • METIS-228345
    • IR-54328
    • EWI-18425

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