Structure and dynamics of the Pt-Ge eutectic system

Zhiguo Zhang

Research output: ThesisPhD Thesis - Research UT, graduation UT

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This thesis is devoted to the study of the Pt/Ge(110) system. The Pt/Ge(110) system hosts interesting physics, since after the deposition of Pt on the intrinsically anisotropic Ge(110) surface and subsequent annealing at sufficiently high temperatures,
the formation of the 2D material germanene, the germanium analogue of graphene, is observed. Germanene possesses, just like graphene, two sub-lattices and a honeycomb like structure with (partially) overlapping 2pz orbitals. Consequently the band structure of germanene also exhibits a linear dispersion relation and the electrons in germanene can be also best described as massless Dirac fermions [1-2]. The formation of germanene in the Pt/Ge(110) system is connected to the formation of a Pt-Ge eutectic droplet at elevated temperatures and the subsequent spinodal decomposition upon cooling down.
Original languageEnglish
QualificationDoctor of Philosophy
Awarding Institution
  • University of Twente
  • Zandvliet, H.J.W., Supervisor
  • van Houselt, A., Co-Supervisor
Award date26 Jan 2022
Place of PublicationEnschede
Print ISBNs978-90-365-5325-4
Publication statusPublished - 26 Jan 2022


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