Superpixels: the end of pixels in OBIA: A comparison of state-of-the-art superpixel methods for remote sensing data

Ovidiu Csillik

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contributionAcademicpeer-review

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In computer vision, using superpixels or perceptually meaningful atomic regions to speed up later-stage processing are becoming increasingly popular in many applications. Superpixels are used as a pre-processing stage to organize an image into a low-level grouping process through oversegmentation, thus simplifying the computation in later stages. However, in remote sensing domain few studies use superpixels. Even so, there is no comparison between superpixel methods and their suitability for remote sensing
images. In this study, we compare four state-of-the-art superpixel methods: Simple Linear Iterative Clustering (SLIC and SLICO), Superpixels Extracted via Energy-Driven Sampling (SEEDS) and Linear Spectral Clustering (LSC). We applied them to very high resolution remote sensing data of different characteristics (extent, spatial resolution and landscape complexity) in order to see how superpixels are affected by these factors. The four algorithms were compared regarding their computational time, ability to adhere to image boundaries and the accuracy of the resulted superpixels. Furthermore, we discuss the individual strengths and weaknesses of each algorithm and draw further applications of superpixels in OBIA.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationProceedings of GEOBIA 2016 : Solutions and synergies, 14-16 September 2016, Enschede, Netherlands
EditorsN. Kerle, M. Gerke, S. Lefevre
Place of PublicationEnschede
PublisherUniversity of Twente, Faculty of Geo-Information Science and Earth Observation (ITC)
Number of pages5
ISBN (Print)978-90-365-4201-2
Publication statusPublished - 14 Sept 2016
Externally publishedYes
Event6th International Conference on Geographic Object-Based Image Analysis, GEOBIA 2016: Solutions & Synergies - University of Twente Faculty of Geo-Information and Earth Observation (ITC), Enschede, Netherlands
Duration: 14 Sept 201616 Sept 2016
Conference number: 6


Conference6th International Conference on Geographic Object-Based Image Analysis, GEOBIA 2016
Abbreviated titleGEOBIA
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