Supporting teachers and learners to design powerful learning environments

Jules M. Pieters

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapterAcademic

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    Recent developments in instructional design often involve open educational systems or open learning systems. In these modularised learning systems the learner decides what, when, how, with what, where, and at what pace to learn. Not only the control of the learning is to the learner, but also the designing of his learning environment. Learners' roles differ, but also teachers have to change their roles from instructor to guide. Information support systems have to be built in order to inform the learner about possibilities to learn. Teachers' roles have developed during times in which learning environments gradually differed Learning environments can be discerned historically into three broad categories and related roles for teachers. The first category stems from developments in behaviouristic approaches to teaching, like programmed instruction and ruled-instruction. Learning is heavily controlled by the environment that sets conditions and parameters for action. The role of media and technology is separatedfrom the role of the teacher. They are operating apart from each other. The second category of learning environments has been influenced by cognitive learning theory. More emphasis is put on aspects of adaptive instruction and on knowledge re p resentations as a condition for learning Teachers adapt technology and are collaborating with technology in order to optimise learning outcomes. The role of technology in instruction and the role of the teacher are integrated. The third, most recent, category comprises constructive beliefs and ideas about learning and instruction. Technology is not controlling learning any more but plays a supportive role, informing and advising the learner. The teacher's role is integrated in this supportive function, also by advising and metacognitively supporting the learner. In some instances the role of the teacher is amplif ed by technology. Teacher and technology are collaborating in supporting the learner in achieving learning outcomes that were not possible before. In this sense, technolog,v not only supports the learner but also supports the teacher to play an effective and affective role in knowledge acquisition and knowledge construction and in practice of skill in the learner. This contribution describes research directed to the roles of teachers and students in designing powerful learning environments.
    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicationInformation technologies in teacher education
    Subtitle of host publicationIssues and experiences for countries in transition: Proceedings of a European Workshop, University of Twente, Enschede, Netherlands, February 20-23, 1994
    EditorsBetty Collis, Iliana Nikolova, Katerina Martcheva
    Place of PublicationParis
    PublisherUNESCO Publishing
    ISBN (Print)92-3-103072-8
    Publication statusPublished - 1995
    EventEuropean Workshop on Information Technologies in Teacher Education 1994
    - University of Twente, Enschede, Netherlands
    Duration: 20 Feb 199423 Feb 1994

    Publication series

    NameThe Teacher's Library
    PublisherUNESCO Publishing


    WorkshopEuropean Workshop on Information Technologies in Teacher Education 1994


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