Surface amination of poly(acrylonitrile)

Andreas Hartwig, M.H.V. Mulder, C.A. Smolders, C.A. Smolders

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The surface amination of poly (acrylonitrile) by ammonia plasma treatment has been studied. Furthermore, two other surface modification techniques have been investigated, the plasma chemical decomposition of an amino group containing chemical (tris-(2-aminoethyl)amine) onto the polymer surface and the surface reduction by lithium aluminium hydride. The three different methods are compared with respect to the adhesion improvement of the coatings onto the modified surfaces.
Original languageUndefined
Pages (from-to)65-78
Number of pages14
JournalAdvances in colloid and interface science
Issue number52
Publication statusPublished - 1994


  • METIS-106918
  • IR-12737

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