Surface modification of porous polyethylene implants with an albumin-based nanocarrier-release system

Jonas Eckrich*, Niklas Hoormann, Erik Kersten, Keti Piradashvili, Frederik R. Wurm, Martin Heller, Sven Becker, Toni Anusic, Juergen Brieger, Sebastian Strieth

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Background: Porous polyethylene (PPE) implants are used for the reconstruction of tissue defects but have a risk of rejection in case of insufficient ingrowth into the host tissue. Various growth factors can promote implant ingrowth, yet a long-term gradient is a prerequisite for the mediation of these effects. As modification of the implant surface with nanocarriers may facilitate a long-term gradient by sustained factor release, implants modified with crosslinked albumin nanocarriers were evaluated in vivo. Methods: Nanocarriers from murine serum albumin (MSA) were prepared by an inverse miniemulsion technique encapsulating either a low-or high-molar mass fluorescent cargo. PPE implants were subsequently coated with these nanocarriers. In control cohorts, the implant was coated with the homologue non-encapsulated cargo substance by dip coating. Implants were consequently analyzed in vivo using repetitive fluorescence microscopy utilizing the dorsal skinfold chamber in mice for ten days post implantation. Results: Implant-modification with MSA nanocarri-ers significantly prolonged the presence of the encapsulated small molecules while macromolecules were detectable during the investigated timeframe regardless of the form of application. Conclusions: Surface modification of PPE implants with MSA nanocarriers results in the alternation of release kinetics especially when small molecular substances are used and therefore allows a prolonged factor release for the promotion of implant integration.

Original languageEnglish
Article number1485
Issue number10
Publication statusPublished - Oct 2021


  • Albumin nanocarriers
  • Biomaterial
  • Dorsal skinfold chamber
  • Fluorescence microscopy
  • Material science
  • Porous polyethylene
  • Release kinetics
  • Tissue engineering


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