Systematic and random errors in rotating-analyzer, ellipsometry

J.M.M. de Nijs, Arend van Silfhout

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    Errors and error sources occurring in rotating-analyzer ellipsometry are discussed. From general considerations it is shown that a rotating-analyzer ellipsometer is inaccurate if applied at P = 0° and in cases when π = 0° or where Δ is near 0° or 180°. Window errors, component imperfections, azimuth errors and all other errors may, to first order, be treated independently and can subsequently be added. Explicit first-order expressions for the errors δΔ and δπ caused by windows, component imperfections, and azimuth errors are derived, showing that all of them, except the window errors, are eliminated in a two-zone measurement. Higher-order errors that are due to azimuth errors are studied numerically, revealing that they are in general less than 0.1°. Statistical errors are also discussed. Errors caused by noise and by correlated perturbations, i.e., periodic fluctuations of the light source, are also considered. Such periodic perturbations do cause random errors, especially when they have frequencies near 2ωA and 4ωA.
    Original languageUndefined
    Pages (from-to)773-781
    JournalJournal of the Optical Society of America. A: Optics and image science
    Issue number6
    Publication statusPublished - 1988


    • IR-73187

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