Temperature-induced migration of electro-neutral interacting colloidal particles

J.K.G. Dhont, W.J. Briels

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Migration of colloidal particles induced by temperature gradients is commonly referred to as thermodiffusion, thermal diffusion, or the (Ludwig-)Soret effect. The thermophoretic force experienced by a colloidal particle that drives thermodiffusion consists of two distinct contributions: a contribution resulting from internal degrees of freedom of single colloidal particles, and a contribution due to the interactions between the colloids. We present an irreversible thermodynamics based theory for the latter collective contribution to the thermophoretic force. The present theory leads to a novel “thermophoretic interaction force” (for uncharged colloids), which has not been identified in earlier approaches. In addition, an N-particle Smoluchowski equation including temperature gradients is proposed, which complies with the irreversible thermodynamics approach.

A comparison with experiments on colloids with a temperature dependent attractive interaction potential over a large concentration and temperature range is presented. The comparison shows that the novel thermophoretic interaction force is essential to describe data on the Soret coefficient and the thermodiffusion coefficient.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)457-471
Number of pages15
JournalJournal of colloid and interface science
Early online date5 Apr 2024
Publication statusPublished - 15 Jul 2024


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