The changing logistical system of the building materials supply chain

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This study analyses how policy measures and technological developments affect the trade-offs between elements of the logistical system of a supply chain. It is assumed that this logistical system consists of the following elements: sourcing, production, inventory, transportation and service. Two cases of supply chains of building materials have been analysed. This analysis results in a matrix in which the effects of policy measures and technological developments for the different elements in the logistical system of these supply chains are classified.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)823-841
JournalInternational journal of operations & production management
Issue number7
Publication statusPublished - 2000
Event5th International Annual EurOMA Conference 1998: Operations Management: Future Isuues and Competitive Responses - Dublin, Ireland
Duration: 14 Jun 199817 Jun 1998
Conference number: 5


  • Logistics
  • Supply chain
  • Building materials


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