The detection of single electrons by means of a Micromegas-covered Medipix2 pixel CMOS readout circuit

M. Campbell, M. Chefdeville, P. Colas, A.P. Colijn, A. Forniani, Y. Giomataris, H. van der Graaf, E.H.M. Heijne, P. Kluit, X. Llopart, J. Schmitz, J. Timmermans, J.L. Visschers

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticleAcademicpeer-review

    67 Citations (Scopus)
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    A small drift chamber was read out by means of a MediPix2 readout chip as a direct anode. A Micromegas foil was placed 50micrometer above the chip, and electron multiplication occurred in the gap. With a He/isobutane 80/20 mixture, gas multiplication factors up to tens of thousands were achieved, resulting in an efficiency for detecting single electrons of better than 90%. We recorded many frames containing 2D images with tracks from cosmic muons. Along these tracks, electron clusters were observed, as well as ?-rays.
    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)295-304
    Number of pages10
    JournalNuclear instruments & methods in physics research. Section A : Accelerators, spectrometers, detectors and associated equipment
    Issue number2-3
    Publication statusPublished - 21 Mar 2005


    • MediPix2
    • TPC
    • Pixel
    • IR-67702
    • EWI-15496
    • Single electron


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