The Development of a Technological Processor as a Part of a Workpiece Programming System

Frederikus J.A.M. van Houten, H.J.J. Kals

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The cost of turning on NC-lathes is substantially sensative to cutting conditions. The use of optimum cutting conditions is limited by a large number of constraining factors such as chip disposal, chucking possibility, available power, required accuracy etc. The present way of work preparation, even when using the available workpiece programming systems, does hardly allow of generating acceptable values for the cutting variables. Moreover, the combination of geometrical and a technological processor in one workpiece programming system will save substantial time in work preparation. Starting from a former reported development, this article deals with the development of a technological processor of improved design and extended possibilities, as for instance the handling of the chucking problem, as a part of a complete workpiece programming system. At choice the output of this processor may be presented in graphes, showing the limited working area and indicating the preferential working point. Another feature is the possibility of automatic tool selection by comparing the working area of the machine tool with the working areas of the different potential tools. The overall system design is modular and well structured to further portability and flexibility.
Original languageUndefined
Pages (from-to)363-368
JournalCIRP annals : manufacturing technology
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 1981


  • IR-68716

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