The effects of disorder on the normal state and superconducting properties of Nb3Sn

M.G.T. Mentink, M.M.J. Dhalle, D.R. Dietderich, A. Godeke, F. Hellman, H.H.J. ten Kate

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The effect of disorder on the normal state resistivity and the superconducting properties of Nb3Sn Sn is explored in a combination of ab initio calculations and microscopic theory. The crystal symmetry is calculated to be preferentially tetragonal at a normal state resistivity below 27.0 ±1.4 μcm, and preferentially cubic above this value, which is shown to be consistent with the experimentally observed transition point. The phonon density of states, the Eliashberg spectrum a2 (w)F (w), the electronphonon coupling constant, the characteristic frequency, the critical temperature Tc, and the upper critical magnetic field at 0 K Hc2 (0) are calculated over a large normal state resistivity range and shown to be consistent with experimental observations. The high degree of consistency between the calculation results and experimental observations is a strong indication that the calculation approach utilized here, a combination of ab initio calculations and microscopic theory, is a useful tool for understanding the superconducting and normal state properties of Nb3Sn.

Original languageEnglish
Article number025006
Number of pages14
JournalSuperconductor science and technology
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - 1 Feb 2017


  • microscopic theory
  • NbSn
  • superconducting properties


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