The global properties of nocturnal stable atmospheric boundary layers

Zhouxing Shen, Luoqin Liu*, Xiyun Lu, Richard J.A.M. Stevens

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Accurate prediction of the global properties of wall-bounded turbulence holds significant importance for both fundamental research and engineering applications. In atmospheric boundary layers, the relationship between friction drag and geostrophic wind is described by the geostrophic drag law (GDL). We use carefully designed large-eddy simulations to study nocturnal stable atmospheric boundary layers (NSBLs), which are characterized by a negative potential temperature flux at the surface and neutral stratification higher up. Our simulations explore a wider range of the Kazanski–Monin parameter, μ = Lf /Ls = [16.7, 193.3], with Lf the Ekman length scale and Ls the surface Obukhov length. We show collapse of the GDL coefficients onto single curves as functions of μ, thereby validating the GDL’s applicability to NSBLs _over a very wide μ range. We show that the boundary-layer height h scales with Lf Ls, while both the streamwise and spanwise wind gradients scale with u2/(h2f), where u represents the friction velocity and f the Coriolis parameter. Leveraging these insights, we developed new analytical expressions for the GDL coefficients, significantly enhancing our understanding of the GDL for turbulent boundary layers. These formulations facilitate the analytical prediction of the geostrophic drag coefficient and cross-isobaric angle.

Original languageEnglish
Article numberA60
JournalJournal of fluid mechanics
Early online date14 Nov 2024
Publication statusPublished - 25 Nov 2024


  • 2024 OA procedure
  • turbulent boundary layers
  • atmospheric flows


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