The Influence of Oxide Charge on Carrier Mobility in HfO2/TiN Gate Silicon MOSFETs

Paul K. Hurley, Adi Negara, T. van Hemert, Karim Cherkaoui

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    In this work we will provide the results of an investigation into electron and hole mobility at high inversion charge density (6 to 8x1012 cm-2) in TiN/HfO2/SiOx/Si MOSFETs. We examine the influence of oxide charge on carrier mobility by using temperature bias stress to deliberately increase the density of oxide charge in the HfO2/SiOx gate stack. The temperature dependence of the electron mobility (50 K to 350 K) and hole mobility (218 K to 373 K) is determined before and after the various levels of oxide and interface degradation to allow an experimental determination of the Coulomb scattering term (alpha) as a function of temperature for various oxide charge levels. Based on the temperature dependant alpha determined for a 3nm HfO2 gate thickness n channel MOSFET, an empirical model has been developed which accurately predicts the measured electron mobility for the 2.4, 2.0 and 1.6nm HfO2 gate thicknesses.
    Original languageUndefined
    Pages (from-to)379-391
    JournalECS transactions
    Issue number2
    Publication statusPublished - 2009


    • IR-61706

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