The kinetics of hydrogen absorption and desorption in LaNi@#5@#-@#x@#Al@#x@# slurries

E.D. Snijder, E.D. Snijder, Geert Versteeg, Willibrordus Petrus Maria van Swaaij

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The kinetics of hydrogen absorption and desorption in LaNi4.8Al0.2,LaNi4.9Al0.1 and LaNi5, suspended in cyclohexane and LaNi5 in ethanol have been investigated. The absorption process can be described in terms of mass transfer and reaction resistances in series. The rate-limiting steps for this process are dissolution of hydrogen in the solvent and the reaction of hydrogen with the metal alloy.
Original languageUndefined
Pages (from-to)1444-1454
JournalAIChE journal
Issue number39
Publication statusPublished - 1993


  • METIS-106034
  • IR-71024

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