The making of a joint E-learning platform for remote sensing education: Experiences and lessons learned

T. Bauer, M. Immitzer, R. Mansberger, F. Vuolo, B. Márkus, M. Verőné Wojtaszek, L. Földváry, A. Szablowska-Midor, J. Kozak, I. Oliveira, A. Lieshout, Z. Vekerdy, S. Ninsawat, C. Mozumder

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E-learning is widely used in academic education, and currently, the COVID-19 pandemic is increasing the demand for e-learning resources. This report describes the results achieved and the experiences gained in the Erasmus+ CBHE (Capacity Building in Higher Education) project “Innovation on Remote Sensing Education and Learning (IRSEL)". European and Asian universities created an innovative open source e-learning platform in the field of remote sensing. Twenty modules tailored to remote sensing study programs at the four Asian partner universities were developed. Principles of remote sensing as well as specific thematic applications are part of the modules, and a knowledge pool of e-learning teaching and learning materials was created. The focus was given to case studies covering a broad range of applications. Piloting with students gave evidence about the usefulness and quality of the developed modules. In particular, teachers and students who tested the modules appreciated the balance of theory and practice. Currently, the modules are being integrated into the curricula of the participating Asian universities. The content will be available to a broader public.

Original languageEnglish
Article number1718
Pages (from-to)1-15
Number of pages15
JournalRemote sensing
Issue number9
Publication statusPublished - 29 Apr 2021


  • Distance learning
  • E-learning
  • Geo-informatics
  • Learningmanagement systems
  • Remote sensing


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