The need for ecosystem 4.0 to support maintenance 4.0: An aviation assembly line case

Alessandro Giacotto, Henrique Costa Marques*, Eduardo Afonso Pereira Barreto, Alberto Martinetti

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Manufacturing and assembling aircraft require hundreds of different machines for various process applications. The machines have different complexity and often different ages; however, they have to ensure a higher precision than other industrial fields. Recent technology advancement in maintenance approaches offers a wide range of opportunities to provide performance and availability. The paper discusses how the maintenance technologies applicable to the various machines need to be appropriately supported by a production environment, called “ecosystem”, that allows their integration within the process and their synergy with the operators. (1) A background analysis of the aircraft production environment is offered. (2) A possible framework for designing a proper ecosystem 4.0 for integrating maintenance activities with design solutions and data gathering is provided. (3) A case study based on the assembly line of specific aircraft is adopted for testing the validity of the framework. (4) Finally, a discussion highlights the critical points of the research, underlying future work.

Original languageEnglish
Article number3333
JournalApplied Sciences
Issue number8
Publication statusPublished - 8 Apr 2021


  • Aircraft manufacturing
  • Assembly line
  • Aviation
  • Ecosystem 4.0
  • Maintenance 4.0


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