The (next) savior has arrived? New technologies in the public sector and related citizens’ expectations

Caroline Fischer, Matthias Döring

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Advancements in technology prompt debates on their transformative potential in public service delivery. We explore citizens' perceptions through analyzing their empirical and normative expectations towards the implementation of new technology (such as AI, big data, and robotization). Findings from Germany (n=1,577) and Austria (n=413) reveal modest expectations both related to public and private sector services, tempered by contextual factors such as digitalization levels in both countries. Expectations have been analyzed related to different public values, suggesting that the highest hopes related to the impact of new technologies are related to gains in efficiency and affordability of services. Despite aspirational hopes for improved public service delivery, citizens remain skeptical about governments' capacity to fulfill them. We advocate for a citizen-centered approach, emphasizing societal dialogue and participatory decision-making to ensure technological interventions align with citizens' needs and values. Ultimately, realizing meaningful transformation in public services requires bridging the gap between citizens' expectations and pragmatic assessments.
Original languageEnglish
JournalPublic Management and Governance Review
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 27 May 2024


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