The relation between personal features, work contextual factors and innovative work behaviour: an explorative case study at Philips Research in the Netherlands

Henk Jan van Essen, Jan de Leede

    Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperpeer-review

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    The purpose of our case study is to contribute to the knowledge of factors that
    stimulate the innovative work behaviour (IWB) of employees. The study explores the
    relationships between work contextual factors (leadership, room for autonomy and
    innovative external contacts), personal features (creativity and psychological
    empowerment) and showing this behaviour. We interviewed 7 managers and 27
    employees at four departments of Philips Research in a explorative case study from
    October 2018 until December 2019. A large majority of interviewees (24) showed
    one or more stages of IWB, 6 showed all 4 stages and 3, no stages. There is a
    relationship between the stages shown and the purpose of the departments. All of the
    theoretically formulated work contextual factors and the creative and
    psychologically empowering personality features influenced IWB. Regarding
    transformational leadership, we noticed that employees with IWB need a supportive
    leader who facilitates the innovation process. We observed that employees with IWB
    showed an optimistic nature when they had to deal with obstacles in the innovation
    process. Regarding external contacts, it was striking that in a research department,
    which was a venture itself, a co-creation process with clients stimulated
    entrepreneurial IWB and created a feedback loop between the development and
    implementation phase of IWB.
    The conceptual model developed as a result of our research can be used in daily
    management practice in recognizing, facilitating and stimulating employees with
    IWB. We showcase possibilities to structure and manage organizations to stimulate
    the creation of new ideas and provide room for creativity by employees with IWB.
    The personal features required for showing IWB can be used when recruiting
    employees. When recruiting or coaching managers, it is important to look for or
    stimulate supportive leadership. IWB has four phases: problem recognition, idea
    recognition, idea promotion and idea realisation. Of the 27 employees with IWB, 6
    showed all four stages, so it is necessary to be descriptive of the kind of innovation
    required when formulating job requirements. We advise organisations to consider
    the implementation of co-creation methods. We recommend finding other ways to
    stimulate innovation than bonus systems because employees are more intrinsically
    motivated by the impact and meaningfulness of their innovation than money.
    Original languageEnglish
    Number of pages12
    Publication statusPublished - 21 Sept 2020
    Event21st International CINet Conference 2020: Practising Continuous Innovation in Digital Ecosystems - Online Event
    Duration: 20 Sept 202022 Sept 2020


    Conference21st International CINet Conference 2020
    CityOnline Event


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