The role of universities in innovation and regional development: The case of Rogaland Region

Utku Ali Riza Alpaydin, Kwadwo Atta Owusu, Saeed Moghadam-Saman

Research output: Working paper

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Rogaland region, located at the southwestern coasts of Norway, has undergone tremendous economic development during the last half a century due to becoming the base for petroleum industry of this most oil-rich country of Europe. The history of higher education sector in the region has been very much shaped and influenced by that economic development history. In this article, we try to examine to what extent and in what form the main university of the region, University of Stavanger (UiS), has contributed to the economic developments in the region by corresponding to the educational, research and innovation needs of its main economic sectors. After describing the highlights of the economic and academic developments in the region, we use established frameworks from the regional innovation systems and university-industry relations literature in order to analyze whether and how the UiS has played a role in addressing the regional innovation system requirements of the sectors deemed currently as priority sectors for Rogaland. Based on that, we draw policy implications for better harmony between regional innovation system policies and higher education policies.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages28
Publication statusPublished - 2018
Externally publishedYes

Publication series

NameRUNIN Working Paper Series
ISSN (Electronic)2535-5686


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