The Smoke Study: Evaluating the Effectiveness of an Intensive versus a Minimal Smoking Cessation Program for COPD Outpatients. Book of Abstracts of the 12th World Conference on Tobacco or Health: Global Action for a Tobacco free Future.

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaper


Background: Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) is a growing problem due to ageing and changing smoking trends. To quit smoking is the most urgent intervention in COPD management and also the only evidence based treatment to improve COPD prognosis. Therefore, an intensive smoking cessation program, 'SmokeStopTherapy' (SST), has been designed for Dutch COPD outpatients. Aim: To assess whether the SST is more effective in reducing the number of smoking COPD outpatients than a brief, usual care intervention, the Minimal Intervention Strategy for lung patients (LMIS). Method: 300 smoking COPD outpatients are enrolled in three hospitals. Patients are randomly allocated to SST or LMIS. The SST consists of a combination of psychosocial counselling, both small-group and individual, and pharmacological treatment. Additionally, patients can `recycle¿ in case of relapse. Abstinence is measured at one, three, six and twelve months. The preliminary one-month self-reported results are presented here. Validation of self-reports will be done by measuring salivary cotinine. Patients recycling after relapse are considered smokers for the 1-month analysis although they may be quitters in the one-year follow-up.Results: At one month self-reported point prevalence abstinence of 62.9% was observed for LMIS subjects (N=35), compared to 76.7% (N=43) for SST subjects (chi-square = 6.726; df = 1; p < 0.01). Discussion: The SST appears to be significantly more effective than the brief usual care intervention (LMIS), despite the low number of patients included in this preliminary analysis. These results may be biased as a result of self-report. However, since the participants know that their self-reported smoking status will be validated, deception rates are expected to be low. Cotinine-validated outcomes will be available soon, as well as the three month follow-up.
Original languageUndefined
Number of pages2
Publication statusPublished - 2003
Event12th World Conference on Tobacco or Health: Global Action for a Tobacco free Future (WCTOH) - Helsinki, Finland
Duration: 3 Aug 20038 Aug 2003


Conference12th World Conference on Tobacco or Health: Global Action for a Tobacco free Future (WCTOH)
OtherAugust 3-8, 2003


  • METIS-212762
  • IR-45622

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