The spread of international manufacturing: evidence from passenger car producers

Sushil Gupta (Editor), H.J. Steenhuis, E.J. de Bruijn, Nimisha Garg (Editor)

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There is a widely held belief that manufacturing activities are being relocated from industrially advanced nations toward industrially developing nations. In many industrially advanced countries this shift is perceived as a threat for employment levels and it raises the issue of whether industrially advanced nations are losing their industrial base. In this study we examine the international shift of production. Production trends in the passenger car manufacturing industry were analyzed for the past five years. The data of top-10 passenger car producing companies, grouped by region of origin show that there is no conclusive evidence that passenger car manufacturers are shifting their international production towards low labor cost countries. Sales evidence shows that the location of production might be tied with the location of sales. The implication of this is that least for this important sector, that industrially advanced nations are not losing their manufacturers as long as there is a national demand for their products
Original languageUndefined
Number of pages21
Publication statusPublished - 2004
Event2nd World Conference on Production & Operations Management and the 15th Annual POM Conference: POM's Expanding Constellation - Cancun, Mexico
Duration: 30 Apr 20043 May 2004
Conference number: 2


Conference2nd World Conference on Production & Operations Management and the 15th Annual POM Conference


  • IR-73590

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