The thermal expansion of a Kevlar® 49 cord down to cryogenic temperatures

A.R. Hengst, C. Rose, H.J. van Weers*, R.H. den Hartog, K. Ravensberg, J.P.C. Dercksen

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In this work the thermal expansion of a twisted Kevlar® 49 cord assembly made at SRON in the 293 K to 7 K temperature range is presented. In addition to these results, the setup used to measure this thermal expansion is described, as are the methods used to calibrate and verify the accuracy of this setup. Measurements with the set-up agree to within 5 % with Ti-6Al-4V literature values. The thermal expansion of the SRON Kevlar® 49 cord assembly is measured and compared to the sparse literature available. At 7 K, the total fractional expansion of the Kevlar® cord assembly is 1.6·10-3 relative to 293 K, with an estimated relative error of 3%.

Original languageEnglish
Article number103742
Publication statusPublished - Oct 2023


  • Dilatometer
  • Kevlar® 49
  • Thermal expansion
  • Thermal insulating suspension


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