Thermally and magnetically controlled superconducting rectifiers

G.B.J. Mulder, H.H.J. ten Kate, H.J.G. Krooshoop, L.J.M. van de Klundert

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The switches of a superconducting rectifier can be controlled either magnetically or thermally. The authors point out the differences between these methods of switching and discuss the consequences for the operation of the rectifier. The discussion is illustrated by the experimental results of a rectifier which was tested with magnetically as well as thermally controlled switches. It has an input current of 30 A, an output current of more than 1 kA and an operating frequency of a few Hz. A superconducting magnet connected to this rectifier can be energized at a rate exceeding 1 MJ/h and an efficiency of about 97%
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1819-1822
Number of pages4
JournalIEEE transactions on magnetics
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - 1989


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