Third-order geometric stiffness formulation for improved mesh convergence of thin and wide spatial beams in the generalized strain beam formulation

M. Nijenhuis*, J. P. Meijaard, M. Naves, R. G.K.M. Aarts

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This paper presents the stiffness formulation of a beam element with the relevant third-order nonlinear geometric effects for relatively wide and thin rectangular beams, in particular when loaded in the plane and simultaneously deformed out of the plane. The element is initially straight in its undeformed configuration. The formulation is based on Timoshenko beam theory with nonuniform torsion and Wagner effects. The derivation is carried out by means of the Hellinger–Reissner variational principle with custom interpolation functions. The element is incorporated into the generalized strain beam formulation for multibody systems. Numerical simulations of precision flexure mechanisms show that the use of a single third-order element per flexible member can already yield adequate performance, at a significant reduction of the necessary degrees of freedom and the computation time, compared with using multiple second-order elements in the generalized strain beam formulation.

Original languageEnglish
Number of pages17
JournalComputational mechanics
Publication statusE-pub ahead of print/First online - 11 Nov 2024


  • UT-Hybrid-D
  • Geometric stiffness
  • Mesh convergence
  • Sheet flexure
  • Variational principle
  • Wide thin beam
  • Beam element


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