Thixotropic behavior of metal-containing coordination polymers: Melt viscosity of neutral aliphatic polyesters with Zn carboxylates

G. Liu, B. White, I. Vancso-Szmercsanyi, G.J. Vancso

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The viscosity behavior of polymer melts containing complexes formed between the neutralized polyester poly(diethylene glycol-co-succinic acid) and Zn acetates is discussed. The melt viscosity of these materials increases with the concentration of metal ions, and shows strong thixotropy and shear thinning. This behavior is attributed to the formation of coordination bonds between the electron donor groups within the polyester chain, and empty coordination sites of the various Zn acetate salts. The coordination complexes were obtained in situ in the polymer melt, which contains well-dispersed ZnO, by adding an equimolar amount of CH3COOH. It is proposed that the shear applied to the polymer melt destroys the polar network of the coordination polymer at a rate that is greater than the rate of reformation of the coordination bonds for the sample returning back to equilibrium, following a shear deformation.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)277-282
JournalJournal of polymer science. Part B: Polymer physics
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - 1996


  • Melt viscosity
  • Coordination polymers
  • Telechelic networks
  • Polyesters
  • Thixotropy


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