Three-dimensional structuring of sapphire by sequential He+ ion-beam implantation and wet chemical etching

A. Crunteanu, G. Jänchen, P. Hoffmann, Markus Pollnau, C. Buchal, A. Petraru, R.W. Eason, D.P. Shepherd

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    We present a method for the selective two- and three-dimensional patterning of sapphire using light ion-beam implantation to generate severe lattice damage to depths exceeding 1 μm and subsequent selective wet chemical etching of the damaged regions by hot H3PO4. C-cut sapphire crystals were implanted through contact masks using ion fluences of 1×1016 to 5×1017 He+/cm2 and energies up to 400 keV. The etching process is characterized by a high selectivity and a rate of approximately 19 nm/min. Whereas an implantation that produces a continuously damaged pathway results in complete etching from the surface, sole in-depth implantation using only high-energy ions leads to under-etching of the crystalline surface layer. By a combination of these processes we have fabricated three-dimensional structures such as channels and bridges in sapphire.
    Original languageUndefined
    Article number10.1007/s00339-002-2027-y
    Pages (from-to)1109-1112
    Number of pages4
    JournalApplied physics A: Materials science and processing
    Issue number7
    Publication statusPublished - 2003


    • EWI-17543
    • IR-70077
    • IOMS-APD: Active Photonic Devices

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