Towards a biomimetic gyroscope inspired by the fly's haltere using microelectromechanical systems technology

H. Droogendijk, Robert Anton Brookhuis, Meint J. de Boer, Remco G.P. Sanders, Gijsbertus J.M. Krijnen

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    Flies use so-called halteres to sense body rotation based on Coriolis forces for supporting equilibrium reflexes. Inspired by these halteres, a biomimetic gimbal-suspended gyroscope has been developed using microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) technology. Design rules for this type of gyroscope are derived, in which the haltere-inspired MEMS gyroscope is geared towards a large measurement bandwidth and a fast response, rather than towards a high responsivity. Measurements for the biomimetic gyroscope indicate a (drive mode) resonance frequency of about 550 Hz and a damping ratio of 0.9. Further, the theoretical performance of the fly's gyroscopic system and the developed MEMS haltere-based gyroscope is assessed and the potential of this MEMS gyroscope is discussed.
    Original languageUndefined
    Pages (from-to)20140573
    Number of pages10
    JournalJournal of the Royal Society. Interface
    Issue number99
    Publication statusPublished - 6 Aug 2014


    • EWI-24952
    • METIS-305969
    • Biomimetic
    • IR-91505
    • Fly
    • haltere
    • MEMS
    • Gyroscope
    • TST-Life like

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