Towards Cadastral Intelligence? Extracting visible boundaries from UAV data through image analysis and machine learning

S.C. Crommelinck, M.N. Koeva

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The inability to access formal land registration systems fosters insecure land tenure and conflicts, especially in developing countries. This calls for low-cost and scalable mapping solutions aligning with fit-for-purpose land administration. The work presented in this article supports the UAV-based mapping of land tenure inspired by state-of-the-art approaches from remote sensing, geoinformatics and computer vision. The guiding question is how to develop an automated approach that promotes the paradigm shift towards cadastral intelligence which integrates human-based expert knowledge with automatically generated machine-based knowledge. online version:
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages2
JournalGIM International
Publication statusPublished - 15 May 2019


  • UAV
  • Land administration


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