Towards Multi-Modal Interactions in Virtual Environments: A Case Study

E. Miyares Bermúdez (Editor), Antinus Nijholt, L. Ruiz Miyares (Editor)

    Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperpeer-review

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    We present research on visualization and interaction in a realistic model of an existing theatre. This existing ‘Muziek¬centrum’ offers its visitors information about performances by means of a yearly brochure. In addition, it is possible to get information at an information desk in the theatre (during office hours), to get information by phone (by talking to a human or by using IVR). The database of the theater holds the information that is available at the beginning of the ‘theatre season’. Our aim is to make this information more accessible by using multi-modal accessible multi-media web pages. A more general aim is to do research in the area of web-based services, in particu¬lar interactions in virtual environments.
    Original languageUndefined
    Number of pages8
    Publication statusPublished - 25 Jan 1999
    EventActas-I, VI Simposio Internacional de Communicacion Social - Santiago de Cuba, Cuba
    Duration: 25 Jan 199928 Jan 1999


    ConferenceActas-I, VI Simposio Internacional de Communicacion Social
    Other25-28 January 1999


    • IR-67087
    • HMI-VRG: Virtual Reality and Graphics
    • EWI-9756

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