Towards the Automatic Generation of Virtual Presenter Agents

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticleAcademicpeer-review

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    There are many ways to present information to visitors and users of 2D and 3D interface environments.In these virtual environments we can provide visitors with simulations of real environments,including simulations of presenters in such environments (a lecturer, a sales agent, a receptionist,a museum guide) and including audience participation in these environments. Our researchaims at generating presentations from available multimedia information. In particular, wewould like to see the generation of presentations by embodied conversational agents that employverbal and nonverbal capabilities. In the past we have seen the introduction of embodied agentsand robots that take the role of a museum guide, a news presenter, a teacher, a receptionist, orsomeone who is trying to sell insurance, houses or tickets. In all these cases the embodied agentneeds to explain and to describe. The automatic generation of presentations and presentationagents from information sources is still too ambitious a task. Therefore we look at research fromthe perspective of the design of tools that can support presenters or can help to provide naturalaccess to presentations and lectures. Can we use a given collection of sheets and maybe other accessiblemedia sources to design, create and generate an embodied presenter? Among others wediscuss manual annotation of available information and the way in which presenter agents can useit. Clearly, the development of tools for these purposes is a first step towards automating the generationof presentations and presentation agents.
    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)97-110
    Number of pages14
    JournalInforming science
    Publication statusPublished - Jul 2006


    • Virtual agents
    • Virtual presenters
    • Information presentation
    • Embodied agents
    • EC Grant Agreement nr.: FP6/506811
    • HMI-IA: Intelligent Agents


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