Training Curves of Nb3Sn Rutherford Cables With a Wide Range of Impregnation Materials Measured in the BOX Facility

S. Otten*, A. Kario, W.A.J. Wessel, J. Leferink, H.H.J. ten Kate, M. Daly, C. Hug, S. Sidorov, A. Brem, B. Auchmann, P. Studer, T. Tervoort

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Training of accelerator magnets is a costly and time consuming process. The number of training quenches must therefore be reduced to a minimum. We investigate training of impregnated Nb3Sn Rutherford cable in a small-scale experiment named BOX (BOnding Experiment). The test involves a Rutherford cable impregnated in a meandering channel simulating the environment of a canted-cosine-theta (CCT) coil. The sample is powered using a transformer and the Lorentz force is generated by an externally applied magnetic field. The low material and helium consumption enable the test of a larger number of samples. In this article, we present training of samples impregnated with alumina-filled epoxy resins, a modified resin with paraffin-like mechanical properties, and a new tough resin in development at ETH Zürich. These new data are compared with previous results published earlier. Compared to samples with unfilled epoxy resin, those with alumina-filled epoxy show favorable training properties with higher initial quench currents and fewer training quenches before reaching 80% of the critical current.

Original languageEnglish
Article number4003605
JournalIEEE transactions on applied superconductivity
Issue number5
Publication statusPublished - 1 Aug 2023


  • Impregnation
  • NbSn
  • Quench
  • Rutherford cable
  • Training


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