Training performance of Nb3Sn Rutherford cables in a channel with a wide range of impregnation materials

S. Otten, A. Kario, W.A.J. Wessel, Jorick Leferink, H.H.J. Ten Kate, M. Daly, C. Hug, S. Sidorov, A. Brem, B. Auchmann, P. Studer, T. Tervoort

Research output: Working paperPreprintAcademic

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Training of accelerator magnets is a costly and time consuming process. The number of training quenches must therefore be reduced to a minimum. We investigate training of impregnated Nb3Sn Rutherford cable in a small-scale experiment. The test involves a Rutherford cable impregnated in a meandering channel simulating the environment of a canted-cosine-theta (CCT) coil. The sample is powered using a transformer and the Lorentz force is generated by an externally applied magnetic field. The low material and helium consumption enable the test of a larger number of samples. In this article, we present training of samples impregnated with alumina-filled epoxy resins, a modified resin with paraffin-like mechanical properties, and a new tough resin in development at ETH Z\"urich. These new data are compared with previous results published earlier. Compared to samples with unfilled epoxy resin, those with alumina-filled epoxy show favorable training properties with higher initial quench currents and fewer training quenches before reaching 80% of the critical current.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 18 Nov 2022


  • physics.acc-ph


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