Trait Resilience Instigates Ideas? A Cross-Lagged Study

Marjolein Caniëls, Isabella Hatak, Koen Kuijpers, Petra de Weerd-Nederhof

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperpeer-review


Research on creativity and innovation has outlined the positive impact of resilience, but still little is known about the effect of resilience on core aspects of the innovation process and their functioning. In this study, we draw upon broaden-and-build theory and investigate whether and how resilience can foster idea generation behaviour at work. Our cross-lagged analyses of two waves of survey data demonstrate that resilience has a positive effect on employees’ idea generation behaviour due to increased levels of positive emotions.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 2021
Event27th Innovation and Product Development Management Conference, IPDMC 2020 - KU Leuven (Campus Antwerp), Antwerp, Belgium
Duration: 7 Jun 20209 Jun 2020
Conference number: 27


Conference27th Innovation and Product Development Management Conference, IPDMC 2020
Abbreviated titleIPDMC 2020
OtherVirtual Conference
Internet address


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