Transferability of Japanese management systems overseas: A theoretical jungle

Kodo Yokozawa, Robert Trimble (Editor), E.J. de Bruijn, S.J. de Boer, H.J. Steenhuis

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Since the 1980s, transferability of Japanese management systems (JMSs) abroad has become an increasing focus of research. However, the conclusions emerging from studies in this field have been conflicting. The main reasons for discordance have been the use of vague definitions of terms and varying methods employed by researchers to measure the international transferability of the JMSs. This paper first identifies the different streams in literature, and then discusses how these differences emerged. It proposes a research agenda to expose critical issues that one needs to consider in future research regarding international transfer of JMSs.
Original languageUndefined
Number of pages6
Publication statusPublished - 2007
Event14th International Annual EurOMA Conference 2007: Managing Operations in an expanding Europe - Ankara, Turkey
Duration: 17 Jun 200720 Jun 2007
Conference number: 14


Conference14th International Annual EurOMA Conference 2007


  • IR-73391

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