Transformer core

A. Mehendale (Inventor), Wouter Hagedoorn (Inventor), Joost Conrad Lötters (Inventor)

    Research output: Patent

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    A transformer core includes a stack of a plurality of planar core plates of a magnetically permeable material, which plates each consist of a first and a second sub-part that together enclose at least one opening. The sub-parts can be fitted together via contact faces that are located on either side of the opening and that extend obliquely with respect to the centerline of the core plate. The invention also relates to the use of the described transformer core in a Coriolis flowmeter with the Coriolis tube extending through the opening so as to induce a current in the tube.
    Original languageUndefined
    Patent numberUS7843306
    Priority date30/11/10
    Publication statusAccepted/In press - 30 Nov 2010


    • IR-76938
    • METIS-279651
    • EWI-20136

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