Transient handover blocking probabilities in road covering cellular mobile networks

Richardus J. Boucherie, Jan van der Wal

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This paper investigates handover and fresh call blocking probabilities for subscribers moving along a road in a traffic jam passing through consecutive cells of a wireless network. It is observed and theoretically motivated that the hand- over blocking probabilities show a sharp peak in the initial part of a traffic jam roughly at the moment when the traffic jam starts covering a new cell. The theoretical motivation relates handover blocking probabilities to blocking proba- bilities in the M/D/C/C queue with time-varying arrival rates. We provide a numerically efficient recursion for these blocking probabilities.
Original languageUndefined
Article number10.1016/S1389-1286(03)00214-7
Pages (from-to)537-550
Number of pages14
JournalComputer networks
Issue number4
Publication statusPublished - 2003


  • Cellular networks
  • Blocking probabilities
  • IR-68832
  • METIS-211985
  • EWI-16902
  • Tandem of Erlang loss queues
  • Time-dependent behaviour

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