Transport Coefficients for dense hard-disk systems

R. Garcia-Rojo, Stefan Luding, J. Javier Brey

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapterAcademicpeer-review

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A study of the transport coefficients of a system of elastic hard disks, based on the use of Helfand-Einstein expressions is reported. The pressure, the viscosity, and the heat conductivity are examined for different density and system-size. While most transport coefficients agree with Enskog theory below the disorder-order transition, a striking power law divergence of the viscosity with density is obtained at this density. The other transport coefficients show a drop in that density regime, relative to the Enskog theoretical prediction. The deviations are related to shear band instabilities and the contept of dilatancy.
Original languageUndefined
Title of host publicationJM Burgers Centrum, 15-year anniversary book
EditorsG. Ooms, C.J. Hoogendoorn
Place of PublicationDelft
PublisherJ.M. Burgerscentrum
Number of pages2
Publication statusPublished - 2007

Publication series

PublisherJ.M. Burgerscentrum


  • IR-80321
  • METIS-249789

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