Trauma, affective and pain characteristics of patients with acute musculoskeletal trauma: towards intervening the transition to chronic pain

J.G.J. Pierik, M.I. Gaakeer, M.J. IJzerman, A.B. van Vugt, M.M.R. Vollenbroek-Hutten, C.J.M. Doggen

    Research output: Contribution to conferenceAbstractOther research output

    Original languageEnglish
    Publication statusPublished - 31 May 2012
    Event6th Dutch North Sea Emergency Medicine Conference 2012 - Hotel Zuiderduin, Egmond aan Zee, Netherlands
    Duration: 30 May 20121 Jun 2012
    Conference number: 6


    Conference6th Dutch North Sea Emergency Medicine Conference 2012
    CityEgmond aan Zee


    • METIS-298818

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