Treatment Gap in Mental Health Care for Victims of Road Traffic Accidents

Paul A. Boelen*, Maarten C. Eisma, Jos de Keijser, Lonneke I.M. Lenferink

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Road traffic accidents (RTAs) are among the most frequent negative life-events. About one in five RTA survivors is susceptible to posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Knowledge about needs for, and usage of, mental health services (MHSs) may improve options for care for RTA victims. The current study aimed to assess rates of victims using different MHSs, including psychotherapy, pharmacotherapy and support groups, and to explore correlates of needs for and use of these MHSs. Further, we aimed to estimate the treatment gap in post-RTA care, defined as including people with probable PTSD who did not use MHSs and people wanting but not getting help from MHSs. Dutch victims of nonlethal RTAs (N = 259) completed self-report measures on needs for and use of MHSs and PTSD. Results showed that 26% of participants had utilized care from psychotherapy, pharmacotherapy or support groups. Among people with probable PTSD, this was 56%. Increased posttraumatic stress was the strongest correlate of MHS use. Forty-eight participants (17.8%) had an unmet care need and represented the treatment gap. Commonly reported reasons and barriers preventing MHS use were perceptions that problems were limited or would disappear without care and financial worries. Regarding possible future care, participants reported a preference for face-to-face (over online) help from a psychologist (over other professionals). The treatment gap for Dutch RTA victims may be limited. However, a significant number of RTA victims need care but do not obtain this care. Care options may be improved by reducing practical barriers to MHSs and increasing mental health literacy and acceptability of different forms of care (besides face-to-face care).

Original languageEnglish
Article numbere2970
JournalClinical Psychology and Psychotherapy
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - 1 Mar 2024


  • UT-Hybrid-D
  • Posttraumatic stress
  • Road traffic accident
  • Treatment gap
  • Mental health services


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