Trends and Challenges in "Material & Structural Health Monitoring" (Workshop 4)

Richard Loendersloot, Eliz-Mari Lourens, Johan Hoefnagels

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contributionAcademicpeer-review

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Mechanical Engineering is the discipline that can be referred to as the art to get things to work. The discipline stretches multiple length scales, from tuning, describing and controlling the microstructure of materials to optimize their performance in macro scale structures to describing and modelling the behaviour of large scale structures. The Mechanical Engineer as the ultimate enabler, turning laws of physic into working systems and machines, who’s creations engineers are nested deeply in the pores of the industrial society; Astonishing accomplishments.
Yet, the story does not end with “creation of”, but continues into the operational life of the structure or system that is created. Objects are subjected to a variety of loads – mechanical, electrical, chemical, and so on – affecting their performance, affecting their functionality. Again it is the engineer’s fundamental knowledge that can answer the questions to get a better grip on the damage, degradation and wear of structures over time. Understanding material behaviour and the interaction between materials reveals on the one hand the ways in which structures can fail, while on the other hand understanding of the way structural deterioration affects the mechanical, in particular dynamic behaviour of the structure provides the tools for state monitoring. Although this principle is already applied to a large variety of applications, the creation of more complex, more sophisticated and larger structures and the urge for sustainable use of materials and resources keeps driving the research in this field of material and structural health monitoring.
The tango material and structural health monitoring dance is one of a mutual understanding of dependency. Certainly, a flirt with data science enriches the relation; artificial intelligence, machine learning, Industry 4.0, IIoT – to just name a few of the dance partners – can nor should be ignored in particular due to the developments in these areas over the past years, but the Mechanical Engineering will always find a foundation in the physical laws allowing to formulate not just an observation, but
also an explanation thereof.
All four presenters, each from their own perspective, work in this broad field between material and structural health monitoring. The connection is found in the changing state of the material during and due to usage: what happens, why and how does it happen, how can it be monitored? Doing so, they contribute to the entanglement of Mechanical Engineering beyond the design and realisation, into the operational phase, thus further shaping the world of tomorrow.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationTwenty-fifth Engineering Mechanics Symposium, October 25-October 26, 2022. Hotel Papendal, Arnhem
EditorsR.A.M.F. van Outvorst, A.J.J.T. van Litsenburg
PublisherEindhoven University of Technology
Number of pages1
Publication statusPublished - Oct 2022
Event25th Engineering Mechanics Symposium, EM 2022 - Hotel Papendal, Arnhem, Netherlands
Duration: 25 Oct 202226 Oct 2022
Conference number: 25


Conference25th Engineering Mechanics Symposium, EM 2022
Abbreviated titleEM 2022
Internet address


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