Trends in mobile customer journeys: Are you ready for mobile customer decision-making?

Elise Schurink, Efthymios Constantinides, Sjoerd A. de Vries

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperpeer-review


Nowadays, businesses are increasingly impacted by the consumer’s usage of mobile technologies. Businesses and consumers are able to interconnect anytime, from pretty much anywhere. With embracing mobile technologies, businesses and consumers have more access to relevant information. As a result, the customer experience during the decision-making process is changed. The mobile decision-making process is distinguished by different stages, which take place in and out of a store. These stages are characterized by interactive activities that lead to a more personalized interaction between businesses and their customers. In all these stages, businesses have the opportunity to impact mobile consumer behavior and purchase decisions in a more meaningful way. When guiding mobile consumers through the specific moments of the decision-making process, businesses can influence consumers shopping behaviors. Hereby, businesses are able to send customized communications targeted to consumers at critical touch points in their shopping journey in order to create richer and more relevant customer experiences. During the mobile decision-making process, there are golden rules: (1) be present, (2) be useful, and (3) be quick. Therefore, businesses have to appear in the most relevant areas of the consumer decision-making process, and give enough information to build a relationship, help them make the purchase decision, and pay attention to fast loading speeds to bring consumers where they want to be. Mobile technologies allow businesses to create highly personalized offers in real-time, which makes consumers more likely to purchase their products or services.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages13
Publication statusPublished - 17 Jan 2019
Event18th International Marketing Trends Conference 2019 - Venice, Italy
Duration: 17 Jan 201919 Jan 2019
Conference number: 18


Conference18th International Marketing Trends Conference 2019
Internet address


  • Mobile marketing trends, consumer decision-making process, mobile technologies, customer experience, customer journey, online, offline shopping environment


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