TwNC: a Multifaceted Dutch News Corpus

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    This contribution describes the Twente News Corpus (TwNC), a multifaceted corpus for Dutch that is being deployed in a number of NLP research projects among which tracks within the Dutch national research programme MultimediaN, the NWO programme CATCH, and the Dutch-Flemish programme STEVIN. The development of the corpus started in 1998 within a predecessor project DRUID and has currently a size of 530M words. The text part has been built from texts of four different sources: Dutch national newspapers, television subtitles, teleprompter (auto-cues) files, and both manually and automatically generated broadcast news transcripts along with the broadcast news audio. TwNC plays a crucial role in the development and evaluation of a wide range of tools and applications for the domain of multimedia indexing, such as large vocabulary speech recognition, cross-media indexing, cross-language information retrieval etc. Part of the corpus was fed into the Dutch written text corpus in the context of the Dutch-Belgian STEVIN project D-COI that was completed in 2007. The sections below will describe the rationale that was the starting point for the corpus development; it will outline the cross-media linking approach adopted within MultimediaN, and finally provide some facts and figures about the corpus.
    Original languageEnglish
    Number of pages10
    JournalELRA Newsletter
    Issue number3-4
    Publication statusPublished - 2007


    • EWI-15098
    • IR-68090
    • Speech Recognition
    • Text corpora
    • Multimedia Retrieval


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