Ultrasonic wave propagation through aberrating layers: experimental verification of the conjugate gradient Rayleigh method

L.A.F. Ledoux, Arthur P. Berkhoff, J.M. Thijssen

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    The Conjugate Gradient Rayleigh method for the calculation of acoustic reflection and transmission at a rough interface between two media was experimentally verified. The method is based on a continuous version of the conjugate gradient technique and plane-wave expansions. We measured the beam profiles of a nonfocused linear array transducer distorted by propagation through an aberrating interface. The directivity of the hydrophone was compensated for by means of spatial deconvolution. Sinusoidal, cylindrical aberrators were made of a water-based gelatine material. The measurements were compared with 2- and 3-D simulations. The measured and simulated beam profiles are in good agreement, as shown by the root-mean-square difference
    Original languageUndefined
    Article number10.1109/58.484475
    Pages (from-to)158-166
    Number of pages9
    JournalIEEE transactions on ultrasonics, ferroelectrics and frequency control
    Issue number1
    Publication statusPublished - Jan 1996


    • IR-64792
    • EWI-12811

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