Understanding electronic social customer relationship management: foundations and current major themes

Efthymios Constantinides, Arsham Yousif, Sjoerd A. de Vries

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Empowered customers, global competition and a persistent financial crisis are important reasons driving businesses to new approaches for building and maintaining competitive advantages. Breaking away from the past focus on internal sources of competitive advantage strategists are switching attention to external factors and superior customer value creation. In this line building long–lasting and mutually rewarding relationships with customers is the key. The emerging paradigm of Electronic Social Customer Relationship Management (or ESCRM) can be the key for bolstering customer value by enabling customer engagement. This paper, based on an extensive literature review and interviews with 25 experts and thought leaders in electronic social CRM, aims at defining the electronic social CRM and its potential value for businesses as well as identifying main issues for further research
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)180-199
JournalInternational journal of electronic customer relationship management
Issue number4
Publication statusPublished - 2014


  • METIS-310354
  • IR-95709


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