Uniform Line Filling of space: Bertrand’s Paradox Revisited

Evangelos Marakis, Mathijs Velsink, Ravitej Uppu, Pepijn W.H. Pinkse

Research output: Contribution to conferencePosterOther research output


When illuminated with coherent light, optical scattering media will produce an interference pattern called speckle. The details of a speckle pattern strongly depend on the incident illumination, position and shape of the scatterers in the medium. This sensitivity makes scattering media excellent physical unclonable functions (PUFs) that can be utilized as security tokens [1,2] . The unclonability of such media depends on technological constraints. We investigate to what extent state-of-the art direct laser writing (DLW) can falsify the assumption of unclonability. We present out fabrication results and analyse the unclonability through optical response .
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 23 Jan 2018
EventPhysics@Veldhoven 2018 - NH Conference Center Koningshof, Velhoven, Netherlands
Duration: 23 Jan 201824 Jan 2018


ConferencePhysics@Veldhoven 2018
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