Using energy justice as a search light for gender and energy policy research: A systematic review

Mariëlle Feenstra, Gül Özerol

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This paper develops and tests a policy framework for gender and energy justice through building on the key concepts in gender and energy policy literature. Based on the historical development of the gender and energy policy nexus, three major discourses are discerned: empowerment, gender mainstreaming and gender transformation. All these discourses identify engendering a policy as process, and have a common goal, which is to develop a policy that acknowledges the gendered difference of needs and interests. Two gender-analytical frameworks are instrumental to understand the gender-energy nexus from an energy systems approach; the needs-based approach and the rights-based approach. Both approaches address social justice in energy policy, by creating awareness on the different energy needs of men and women and the rights that entitle them to equal access to energy services. The search for a just energy policy is central in the energy justice discourse. Energy justice is used as a concept, an analytical tool and a decision-making framework, based on three principles: distributional, recognition and procedural justice. Through juxtaposing the gender analytical frameworks of energy policy and the energy justice principles, a gender and energy just policy framework has been developed. This framework identifies the three engendering processes on one axis of the matrix and the three principles of energy justice on the other. This paper is the first attempt to test this framework by applying it in a systematic review of the scholarly literature on gender and energy justice. The concepts of the framework are recognized in the existing scholarly literature. However, the applicability of the framework as an analytical tool needs further analysis and evidence-based testing to be developed as a decision-making instrument for policy design.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages19
Publication statusPublished - 2018
Event12th ECPR General Conference 2018 - Hamburg, Germany
Duration: 22 Aug 201825 Aug 2018
Conference number: 12


Conference12th ECPR General Conference 2018


  • gender
  • energy justice


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